Pot Luck Lunch – God’s Work Our Hands

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2023 IS GOD’S WORK OUR HANDS SUNDAY. Usually we use this Sunday to do
work that will benefit the community more than using the time to work in-house. However, this year we are taking
this time to celebrate how this very small congregation has come together to do some pretty great things and to focus
on what we believe God’s vision for the ministry of Christus Victor Lutheran Church might be. We now have the entire main church building to work with throughout the week including daytime use. Let’s figure out what wonderful
things we can do as the body of Christ in this community.
On Sunday we will have a potluck lunch. During this lunch we will start by letting individuals who are a part of ministry we are already doing, share how other individuals are needed to continue these ministries. We will hear from
people that serve in worship, music, youth, AV, and more. You will have the opportunity to sign up to be a part of any
of these programs that we already have in place.
Then we will take the time to brainstorm and dream about how we can use our facilities throughout the week as well as
during the day and in the evenings to be the love of God in action for our community. No idea is off limits to consider.
However, in the end I hope that we will end with at least one or two things we start doing that will let the community
know that Christus Victor is a place where God’s love is shared unconditionally. There are ideas that have been mentioned here and there, but this is a time for each of us to share our thoughts on how we might best serve the community
we are a part of and determine what we need to do in order to get started. I want us to jump in and move forward.
This congregation is small and is struggling when it comes to finances, but God is not done with us! We are alive and
well and filled with the love and grace of God that we need to be sharing with the world. Trust that the Holy Spirit
will guide and direct us to be a force of love to the community! I can’t wait. Please come and be a part of this time

Date(s) - Sep 10, 2023
11:30 am

Christus Victor Lutheran Church