Vacation Bible School – July 11-15, 2021

Christus Victor Vacation Bible School
July 11- 15, 2021
5:45—8:30 pm

North Castle is hidden in a frozen land.  The King’s valiant Knights are on a quest in search of the King’s Armor.  But the armor isn’t what they think it is.

Knights of North Castle: Quest for the King’s Armor, invites children to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power!  After a high-energy opening assembly, Kids will take on the role of brave Knights and begin their quest each session by opening the King’s Book.  They’ll explore Old and New Testament stories and discover different pieces of protective armor-the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Justice, the Shoes of Peace, the Shield of Faith, and the Helmet of Salvation- at work in the lives of familiar Bible characters, and explore how that armor works in their own lives as they follow and serve God.

The students will expand on their quest by participating in a variety of activities: making art projects at the Craft Station, singing new music at the Music Station, exploring at the Science Station, participating in recreational activities at the Recreation Station, and enjoying tasty snacks at the Snack Station.

The fun begins with dinner at 5:45 p.m.  At 6:30 p.m. everyone will gather at the North Castle to be introduced to the theme of the day. They will hear the Bible lesson and learn about their quest for the day.  Then, off they go to their extra adventures in their peer group.  It all concludes back at North Castle at 8:30 p.m.

Click here for information on how to register for Vacation Bible School.
Much help is needed to make VBS a meaningful and exciting week for the children.  If you are willing to help, please fill out and submit a VBS Volunteer Form.