
Christus Victor Lutheran Church’s 5 Core Ministries


Christian Education: Providing a primary focus on Christian education for children and adults

  • The things we plan and do to educate our parish family on the life, love and teachings of Jesus Christ
  • The things we accomplish and can measure that ensure our Christian education programs remain consistent with our Lutheran identity
  • The Christ-like behaviors we demonstrate that establish a culture of regular participation in our various Christian education programs
  • Facilitating an environment for Christian education with a variety of ELCA-recognized programs and materials for both adults and children

Worship: Providing meaningful worship experiences, through a variety of forms, consistent with our Lutheran identity

  • The things we plan and do to provide meaningful, Christ-focused worship experiences consistent with our ELCA heritage
  • The things we accomplish and can measure that ensure we are providing various forms of worship appropriate to our purpose
  • The Christ-like behaviors we demonstrate that respect diversity in the various forms of praise we offer God for His blessings in our lives
  • Facilitating an environment for worship experiences that offers God praise and meets the spiritual enrichment needs of our congregation

Outreach: Spreading the message of Christ through consistent programs of communication and service

  • The things we plan and do to communicate Christ’s message of faith and hope to today’s world
  • The things we accomplish and can measure that ensure we have consistent and effective programs of communication and service
  • The Christ-like behaviors we demonstrate that extend the purpose of our congregation beyond ourselves and into the community
  • Facilitating an environment for outreach and service that clearly conveys Christus Victor Lutheran’s purpose to the community at-large

Stewardship: Committing and maintaining our time, talent and financial resources to achieve Christus Victor Lutheran’s purpose

  • The things we plan and do to achieve time, talent and monetary commitments from our parish family necessary to do the Lord’s work
  • The things we accomplish and can measure that ensure Christus Victor Lutheran has the human and fiscal resources necessary to operate, prosper and grow
  • The Christ-like behaviors we demonstrate that reinforce scriptural calls for us to make offerings to the Lord in thanksgiving for His blessings
  • Facilitating an environment that gives each member of our congregation personal opportunities for ongoing involvement, engagement and participation

Community: Developing a true sense of community to embrace and nurture all people associated with and touched by Christus Victor Lutheran

  • The things we plan and do to embrace, nurture and care for all people associated with and served by our ministries
  • The things we accomplish and can measure that ensure we are meeting the fellowship and services needs of our whole-church family
  • The Christ-like behaviors we demonstrate that provide faith-based inclusion for everyone touched by Christus Victor Lutheran’s ministries, programs and purpose
  • Facilitating an environment for people outside our existing congregation to understand our Lutheran faith and practices, the purpose of the work we are doing and to give them visible and relevant reasons to join us